So, as usual, it's been awhile since I blogged on here. I am in the process of working on about five large pieces and have finished one since I last posted. It's called [Auto Pilot] and it is another experiment with negative/positive space; it is inverse from my [Guitar Duel] pieces.
[Auto Pilot]
In the [Guitar Duel] series, I used black for the foreground, but I decided to take a different approach with this one. Initially, the idea was use stars as the stencil and do a recreation of the American flag. That idea died, however, when I realized that I was unable to paint with only three colors, one of which being white (yuck). Can anyone guess where the title comes from? (hint: it's always music..) |
Tonight I started a second piece in this new series - I hope you enjoy it!
[Auto Pilot II]
(work in progress)
As in the first piece, I made "stripes" with blue (why did I have to buy the cheapo Big Lots brand? *sigh*) and masking tape. Originally, this was to simulate the stripes on the flag; now it's just neato. |
I'm used Liquitex Basics for the undercoat and then added Golden paints on top for that bright, expensive look that everyone who paints with acrylic and oil crave. |
*Disclaimer: I own no rights to Big Lots (it's an outlet store, if you didn't know) or Queens of the Stone Age.
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