Monday, January 31, 2011

#20: J. Prufrock "Love Song" [musings]

This is my last semester as an undergraduate (I hope) and I'm being overly ambitious and trying to change my life.


I've joined a metal band (12 Steps Away), am cohosting another Art and Music Day, doing the advertisements for the theatre organization on campus (College Players), am in three jazz bands (one with an astronaut; Jazz Syndicate), and trying to get some art finished and put up.

In relation to the last addendum to my life, I recently worked on a drawing for my British and American Literature class. The assignment was to compare a piece of Modernist writing to a piece of artwork. I decided to do my own artwork. It is almost finished and I hope to have it up soon. It is called 'J. Prufrock "Love Story",' which you may know is a twist on T.S. Eliot's "The Love Song of J.F. Prufrock". (You can read it here --> The Love Story of J.F. Prufrock)

Eliot's poem is one of my favorite of all time. My mother showed it to me when I was in early high school and I never forgot my favorite lines, "In the room the women come and go/Talking of Michelangelo." Michelangelo was a great artist, and so was T.S. Eliot; however, Eliot was no Michelangelo. The protagonist, Prufrock, is dealing with frustrations regarding women (the attainment of), aging, and of the decadence of living in the city.

In my piece, I imagined Prufrock in a nightclub. Nightclubs are dingy, dirty, decadent, and superficial (you thought all of those words were going to start in 'd's,' didn't you?). The women are dancing to the beats of MC Michelangelo as poor Prufrock stands in the corner. I hope to have this up this week (it is pen, pencil, and colored pencil).

In other news, I have FINALLY joined some deviantArt groups, #All Art Support and #Unknown-Artists-Club . I hope to be a more actice community member of deviantArt. Anyway, stay tuned as I become "more active." if that is even possible.

..oh, hey.. and maybe I'll start exercising.  I say that now..


  1. You've ALWAYS been super busy. Hopefully by now you've learned to juggle it all. Good luck! I'm excited to see that art piece.

  2. Hah. Thanks, Lauren. I'm excited to see some new photos. Give me something to paint!
